Emon Dey

Ph.D. Candidate at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD21250

edey1 [at] umbc [dot] edu
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I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). I am working as a Research Assistant at the Center for Real-time Distributed Sensing and Autonomy (CARDS). I am also affiliated with Mobile, Pervasive, and Sensor Computing (MPSC) Lab and advised by Dr. Nirmalya Roy. My research interests mainly focus on the area of Artifical Intelligence and Robotics, particularly on developing deep model compression algorithm, robust communication protocol for Federated Learning, and build packages on Robot Operating Systems (ROS).

I received my M.S. degree in Information Systems from UMBC in 2022. Before that, I received my Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology. My thesis Supervisor was Sharmin Majumder and I have worked on developing a novel Image Watermarking algorithm.


Current Research

I am currently working on developing a viable algorithm to make the data communication protocol robust for a Federated Learning (FL) scenario under contested environment. To be specific, I am interested in reducing the packet loss due to the higher velocity difference among agents participated in building the FL model.



Under Review

Under Preparation

Published Works


Research Experience

Teaching Experience


Media Coverage

Professional Activities

Helpful Resources

Edge Computing

Federated Learning and Model Compression

Robot Operating Systems (ROS)